2024 Empowering RIE Forum
2024 Empowering RIE Forum
Cybersecurity is often described as a team sport requiring many parties to come together. The Empowering RIE (Research, Innovation and Enterprise) Forum organized for the first time at the Singapore International Cyber Week, brings together cybersecurity practitioners from across government, industry and academia with the aim of fostering greater collaboration across the triple helix of government, industry and academia.
This Forum provides a unique opportunity to gain insights from leading experts such as David Koh, Chief Executive, Cyber Security Agency of Singapore and Craig Stephen, Executive Vice-President, R&D, Oracle, as we build a more collaborative cybersecurity ecosystem to tackle present and future cybersecurity issues and challenges.
- Mr David Koh, Commissioner of Cybersecurity & Chief Executive (CE), Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA), and Chief (Digital Security & Technology), Ministry of Digital Development and Information, Singapore
- Mr Craig Stephen, Executive Vice President, Oracle
- Prof Luke Ong, Vice President & Professor, Nanyang Techonological Universit-y
- Prof Wenke Lee, Executive Director, Institute for Information Security & Privacy (IISP)
- Ms Sharon Tan, Engineer, Abnormal Security
Mr Gaurav Keerthi, Executive Vice President, Advisory and Emerging Business, Ensign InfoSecurity